Passing through the new town, you reach the beautiful Old Town, designated as a World Heritage City by UNESCO http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/493). The Modern Greek Art Museum is housed in four different buildings in the old and the new city, and includes numerous collections of both paintings and engravings created by distinguished Greek artists of the 20th century (http://mgamuseum.gr/en/index.htm). The Jewish Museum of Rhodes, situated next to the Synagogue «Kahal Shalom» in the Medieval Town, is also worth visiting (http://www.rhodesjewishmuseum.org/).
With the city sights being in a short walking distance, Nafsika Hotel proves to be on an ideal location in Rhodes center.
With the city sights being in a short walking distance, Nafsika Hotel proves to be on an ideal location in Rhodes center.

Distance from points of interest:
- Airport - 15km
- Mandraki Port - 1km
- Tourist Port -1,5 km
- Kolona Port- 1,5 km
- Commercial Akandia Port - 2,5km
- Beach - 50m
- Bus stop to the west side - 50m
- Shopping area - 500m
- Aquarium - 900m
- Casino - 1km
- Medieval Town - 1km
Useful links
Για πτήσεις: http://www.airtickets.gr
Για πλοία: http://www.bluestarferries.gr/site/content.asp?loc=1 και https://www.12ne.gr/
Δήμος Ρόδου: http://www.rhodes.gr/el/
Για πλοία: http://www.bluestarferries.gr/site/content.asp?loc=1 και https://www.12ne.gr/
Δήμος Ρόδου: http://www.rhodes.gr/el/

How to reach to the hotel
From the airport:
i) By bus: You may take the bus with the direction to the city center and get off at Psaropoula Square. Beside Blue Sky Hotel take the small road that goes up and on your right hand side you will see Nafsika (NAUSIKA) Hotel. The ride of the bus takes about 30 min.
ii) By taxi: There is taxi station at the airport and the ride takes about 20 min.
From the ports:
By taxi: The ride takes about 10 min.